The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mickey Cunningham, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 7 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Joe Bontrager, and was 2nd by Rodney Sayre.
Presenter: Rodney Sayre
Presentation: Best Practices
Old Business:
• Website. . The new MEBA website is now up and running.
• Patty Younger is in need of photos for our new website. You can email her at .
• Mary Dickenson Tomlinson of Cresthaven Veterinary Services in Galax, Virginia can be found on Facebook. If your beehives are in need of a veterinary, she is a good one to call.
• Anyone who would like to submit something for the MEBA agendas, let Connie Armentrout or Rodney Sayre know prior to the meeting.
• Cathy Hounshell sent information regarding the Fox Hound Bee Company’s oxalic acid strips. It was discussed possibly making a large group purchase to save money for everyone. A case of 600 could be purchased. Four strips are needed per deep.
New Business
• Dues are $10.00. If you do not have a nametag, it will be another one-time $10.00.
• More volunteers for the Fair Committee are needed.
• We need input from members for raffle items.
• The board has budgeted $300.00 for the annual picnic hive dive.
• The election was not held due to not having a quorum needed. Instead, a ballot will be sent to voting members by email for the election for Vice President and Secretary. Results will be mailed out.
• A quilt raffle will be held next year. Mary Encarnacao will be making another quilt similar to the quilt she made before. In addition, Shannon Sayre will be making a small quilt as well.
-10 lbs. Sugar
10 Lbs. Sugar
Raffle Winners:
A complete hive (2 deeps with 20 assembled frames, lid, bottom board, intercover, super) – LaVonda Heath
Next meeting: Thursday January 23, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122.
Adjourned: at 8:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mickey Cunningham, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 26 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Hank Sturkie, and was 2nd by Kathy Quinn.
Presenter: Mickey Cunningham
Presentation: Winter Preparation –Winterizing Bees
Education Committee Report:
Old Business:
• Website. . The new MEBA website is now up and running.
• Patty Younger is in need of photos for our new website. You can email her at .
• Information on the Virginia Master Beekeeper Program call Adam Wilson 915-929-1556. The test is given once a year. Community Service is required.
• Rodney Sayre gave an update on the Master Bee Keepers qualifications. An exam will be avail to take at the Virginia State Beekeepers Association convention on October 26, 2024 at Wytheville Community College. You must be a member of the Virginia State Beekeepers Association.
• Kristine Smith, VSBA Webmaster will be presenting at our monthly meeting during the month that the VSBA Convention will be rescheduled for. She will present on How to Raise Queens. She will also be presenting at the VSBA state convention as well.
Volunteers will be needed.
• Mary Dickenson Tomlinson of Cresthaven Veterinary Services in Galax, Virginia can be found on Facebook. If your beehives are in need of a veterinary, she is a good one to call.
• Anyone who would like to submit something for the MEBA agendas, let Connie Armentrout or Rodney Sayre know prior to the meeting.
New Business
• To volunteer for the VSBA Convention you must be a member of the VSBA. On the VSBA website, you can click a link if you are a member to volunteer.
• Cathy Hounshell sent information regarding the Fox Hound Bee Company’s oxalic acid strips. It was discussed possibly making a large group purchase to save money for everyone. A case of 600 could be purchased. Four strips are needed per deep.
• Elections for the next MEBA Vice President and Secretary will be held in November. A ballot will be emailed to members prior to the meeting.
• Claims can be filed October 29, 2024 at Meadow View Baptist Church from hurricane Helene.
-10 lbs. Sugar
10 Lbs. Sugar
Raffle Winners:
Honey bucket with spout– LaVonda Heath
Assembled frames – LaVonda Heath
Hive tool – LaVonda Heath
Shim spacer – LaVonda Heath
Hive cover– Fred Williams
MEBA hat – Connie Armentrout
Candy board (1/2 inch hardware cloth) – Connie Armentrout
MEBA hat – Beth Orvec
Assembled frames – Torre Vanlear
Frame gripper – Rodney Dye
Comb scrapper – LaVonda Heath
Hive tool – Mary Encarnaco
Bee escape – Allen Schuster
Bee shirt – Maston Parks
Gnome air freshener and bee stain glass – Kathy Quinn
Next meeting: Thursday November 21, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122. Please note this meeting will be the 3rd Thursday in November since the 4th Thursday is Thanksgiving.
Adjourned: at 8:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mickey Cunningham, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 15 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Patty Younger, and was 2nd by Rodney Sayre.
Presenter: Fred Williams
Presentation Bee Pest Capture
Education Committee Report:
Up Coming Meetings:
September – Dead Outs – Cathy Hounshell
October – Feeding Techniques – TBA
November – Best Bee Practices – Open Forum Moderator/Rodney Sayre
Old Business:
· Website.
· Patty Younger is in need of photos for our new website. You can email her at .
· Bees in The News- Bee Culture has an article about the ins and outs of mentoring.
· The Carroll County Fair is the last full week of August.
· Information on the Virginia Master Beekeeper Program call Adam Wilson 915-929-1556. The test is given once a year. Community Service is required.
· Rodney Sayre gave an update on the Master Bee Keepers qualifications. An exam will be avail to take at the Virginia State Beekeepers Association convention on October 26, 2024 at Wytheville Community College. You must be a member of the Virginia State Beekeepers Association.
· The VSBA state convention will be held October 25-27 at the Wytheville Meeting Center on the campus of Wytheville Community College. Registration begins August 1, 2024. an application to join the VSBA can be found here that you can print and mail in: can also join on-line if you prefer here:
· Kristine Smith, VSBA Webmaster will be presenting at our monthly meeting in October on How to Raise Queens. She will also be presenting at the VSBA state convention as well.
Volunteers will be needed.
New Business
· August 17, 2024 Dr. James Wilson, Extension Agent from Virginia Tech Entomology Department will be doing a Varroa presentation in room 112 Smyth Hall 9:00-12:00. He is in need of volunteers for a Varroa study.
· To volunteer for the VSBA Convention you must be a member of the VSBA. On the VSBA website, you can click a link if you are a member to volunteer.
· Eight potential members from the Grayson County Fair were obtained for the next bee class. Next year we want to have a honey competition/show. Many people inquired about a honey competition/show this year.
· Cathy Hounshell sent information regarding the Fox Hound Bee Company’s oxalic acid strips. It was discussed possibly making a large group purchase to save money for everyone. A case of 600 could be purchased. Two strips are needed per deep.
· WDBJ 7 had a 30 second news report about the rising sugar prices during WWI cause everyone to have 1 to 4 bee hives in order to sweeten things or sell colonies. During that time, there were 2.1 to 2.3 million hives.
· The new MEBA website is now up and running.
· Check out James Ellis of the University of Florida Two Bees in a Pod podcasts for information on his research.
· Mary Dickenson Tomlinson of Cresthaven Veterinary Services in Galax, Virginia can be found on Facebook. If your beehives are in need of a veterinary, she is a good one to call.
· Anyone who would like to submit something for the MEBA agendas, let Connie Armentrout or Rodney Sayre know prior to the meeting.
-10 lbs. Sugar
10 Lbs. Sugar
Raffle Winners:
Bee float feeder for feeding water– LaVonda Heath
Frames – LaVonda Heath
Bee air freshener gnome – Fred Williams
MEBA hat – Meyka Paddock
MEBA hat – Rodney Dye
Bee cape and gloves – Doug Paddock
Bee escape for harvesting – Rodney Dye
Bee air freshener gnome – LaVonda Heath
Bee Veil and hat – Rodney Dye
Bee window stain glass – Rodney Dye
Next meeting: Thursday September 26, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122.
Adjourned: at 8:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mickey Cunningham, MEBA President at Wytheville
Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 25 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Patty Younger, and was 2nd by Mickey Cunningham.
Presenter: Mickey Cunningham
Presentation: Discussion/Questions & Answers
Due to an unforeseen change of our meeting room, the DVD scheduled for tonight’s event will
been shown at another date.
Education Committee Report:
Up Coming Meetings:
July – Queen Rearing -TBA
August- Bee Pest Capture – Fred Williams
September – Dead Outs – Cathy Hounshell
October – Feeding Techniques – TBA
November – Best Bee Practices – Open Forum Moderator/Rodney Sayre
Old Business:
Patty Younger is in need of photos for our new website. You can email her at
Bees in The News- Bee Culture has an article about the ins and outs of mentoring.
The Carroll County Fair is the last full week of August.
Information on the Virginia Master Beekeeper Program call Adam Wilson 915-929-1556. The
test is given once a year. Community Service is required.
Rodney Sayre gave an update on the Master Bee Keepers qualifications. An exam will be avail
to take at the Virginia State Beekeepers Association convention on October 26, 2024 at
Wytheville Community College. You must be a member of the Virginia State Beekeepers
The VSBA state convention will be held October 25-27 at the Wytheville Meeting Center on the
campus of Wytheville Community College. Registration begins August 1, 2024. an application to join the VSBA can
be found here that you can print and mail in: You
can also join on-line if you prefer here:
A motion was made by Rodney Sayre to make dues $10.00 and name badge $10.00 (total
$20.00 first year). Thereafter dues will be $10.00 each year following. The motion was passed.
List Serv – Connie Armentrout will be sending Drew White a list of members who have opted in
for the List Serv.
Kristine Smith, VSBA Webmaster will be presenting at our monthly meeting in October on How
to Raise Queens. She will also be presenting at the VSBA state convention as well.
Volunteers will be needed.
Cathy Hounshell shared an article about artificial “honey” being made without honeybees.
Bepe (Elizabeth) Kafka presented information about Preserve Grayson. You can learn more
about the aerial spraying and its negative effects on honeybees, and this very worthy group at . A motion was made by Rodney Sayre and 2 nd by Gay
Stephens for MEBA to support Preserve Grayson with their efforts for laws to provide
transparency in aerial spraying with notification. The motion was passed.
New Business
If anyone would like to sell honey at the Grayson County Fair, you will need to volunteer at
least 4 hours.
The president of the Farmer Bureau purchased and ordered information about pollination to
pass out at the Grayson County Fair for MEBA.
Cathy Hounshell will be working the community table at the Wytheville Farmers Market
Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. If you would like to volunteer with her let her,
MEBA will be ordering shirts and hats with our logo. Patty Younger and Mickey Cunningham
will be looking into a local vender and comparing this with other online venders for the best
August 17, 2024 Dr. James Wilson, Extension Agent from Virginia Tech Entomology Department
will be doing a Varroa presentation in room 112 Smyth Hall 9:00-12:00. He is in need of
volunteers for a Varroa study.
Raffle Winners:
Bee rug – LaVonda Heath
Bee shirt – Diane Wolford
Bee rug – Dustin Osborne
Bee table runner – Niki Osborne
Shower Curtain – Fred Williams
Bee bathroom rug set – Beth Orvec
Next meeting: Thursday August 22, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room
Adjourned: at 8:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mickey Cunningham, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 23 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Mickey Meredith, and was 2nd by Rodney Sayre.
Presenter: Mickey Cunningham
Presentation: Honey Sales and Labeling
Education Committee Report:
Up Coming Meetings:
July – Queen Rearing -TBA
August- Bee Pest Capture – Fred Williams
September – Dead Outs – Cathy Hounshell
October – Feeding Techniques – TBA
November – Best Bee Practices – Open Forum Moderator/Rodney Sayre
Old Business:
New Business
You can also join on line if you prefer here:
10 lbs. Sugar
10 Lbs. Sugar
Raffle Winners:
Varroa Mite Count Jar – LaVonda Heath
Bee Veil – Mickey Meredith
Bee Veil and Jacket – Allan Schuster
Varroa Mite Count Jar – Diane Wolford
Bee Sign – Gary Stephens
Bee Shirt – Ethel Parks
Bee Veil – Gary Bolt
Bee Veil and Jacket – Drew White
Comb Scrapper – Gene Murgaleta
Bee Veil – Tommy Cox
Next meeting: Thursday July 25, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122.
Adjourned: at 8:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mickey Cunningham, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 24 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Cathy Hounshell, and was 2nd by Rodney Sayre.
Presenter: Mickey Cunningham
Presentation: Splits
Education Committee Report:
Up Coming Meetings:
June – Honey Sales-Mickey Cunningham
July – Queen Rearing -TBA
August- Bee Pest Capture – Fred Williams
September – Dead Outs – Cathy Hounshell
October – Feeding Techniques – TBA
November – Best Bee Practices – Open Forum Moderator/Rodney Sayre
Old Business:
New Business
-10 lbs. Sugar
10 Lbs. Sugar
Raffle Winners:
Bee stencils – Connie Armentrout
Hat/veil – LaVonda
Clock – Sahar Husseini
Hat/veil – Bill Page
Queen excluder – Randy Muir
Honey gate – Mickey Meredith
Honey cold knife – Allen Schuster
Queen excluder – Benny Quesenberry
Hive tool – Fred Williams
Hive robbing screen – Jeff Macquarrie
Hive tool – Annette Vankleeck
Queen excluder – Beth Oravec
Queen excluder – Christine Macquarrie
Bee caution sign – Joe Bontrager
Next meeting: Thursday June 27, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122.
Adjourned: at 8:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mickey Cunningham, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 39 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Anita Parks, and was 2nd by Drew White.
Presenter: Randy Muir
Presentation: To Treat of Not To Treat: Process of Washing for Mites
Video of Randy Muir in his bee yard demonstrating getting a March mite count through a wash.
Committee Reports:
Education Committee- Rodney Sayre reported information on a Queen Rearing CD.
Beth Oravec reported information on the Grayson Fair and gave an update on Earth Day which is Saturday 10:00-3:00 off exit 14 in Hillsville across from the Farmers’ Market.
Financial Report: Mickey Cunningham gave the financial report on behalf of Hank Sturkie in his absence.
Old Business:
New Business
Raffle Winners:
Auction of quilt – Winning bid Diane Woodford
Next meeting: Thursday May 23, 2024at 6:30 p.m. at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122.
Adjourned: at 8:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mickey Cunningham, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 35 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Catherine Forsyth, and was 2nd by Rodney Sayre.
Presenter: Brian Kreowski, Agricultural Inspector
Presentation: Apiary Inspection Program
Old Business:
New Business
Raffle Winners:
Book: Growing and Marketing Ginseng, Goldenseal and other Woodland Medicinals - Connie Armentrout
Book: The New Starting Right with Bees – Catherine Forsyth
Book: Old Favorite Honey Recipes: Over 250 Great Recipes from Beekeepers and Cooks – Wendy Pierce
Book: The ABC and Bee Culture – Lavonda Heath
Book: Cooking with Honey – Toren Vanlear
Book: The Healing Power of Honey – Wendy Pierce
Book: The Beeman (children’s book) – J.J. Hamlet
Next meeting: Thursday April 25, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122.
Adjourned: at 7:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mickey Cunningham, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 32 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Randy Muir, and was 2nd by Anita Parks.
Presenter: Mickey Cunningham
Presentation: Swarming DVD
Old Business:
New Business
Raffle Winners:
David Poe – Bee brush, entrance feeder, crimper and queen catcher
Ethel Parks – Hat and veil
Bennie Quesenberry – gloves, hive tool
Anita Parks – Knife, smoker fuel, gripper
Connie Armentrout – frame holder
Jeff Sexton – Bee comb
Next meeting: Thursday March 28, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122.
Adjourned: at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
January 25, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Anthony Ellis, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 23 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Mickey Cunningham, and was 2nd by Hank Sturkie.
Presenter: Hank Sturkie
Presentation: Review of Revised By Laws and Constitution
Hank gave another review of the proposed revisions to the By Laws and Constitution. A move to approve the revised By Laws and Constitution was proposed by Mickey Cunningham and seconded by Rodney Sayre. The motion passed. The vice president and secretary will have a one-year term this year, and the president and treasurer will have a 2-year term starting this year. Two-year term limits will continue with two offices being voted on per year, but not all four offices on the same year. Hank Sturkie proposed that Connie Armentrout continue as secretary for one more year. He also nominated Mickey Cunningham as president. Rodney Sayre volunteered to run as vice president.
Old Business:
1. Blend the honey to the desired color, flavor and moisture content. 2. Pasteurize the honey you wish to crystallize by first heating the honey to 120 °F. Then strain it to remove large impurities, especially wax particles.
New Business
Raffle Winners:
Ethel Parks – Bee and Comb hat and cage anti-robbing screen
Bennie Quesenberry – Uncapping roller
Catherine Forsyth – MEBA hat and cage anti-robbing screen
Fred Williams – Bee brush
Connie Armentrout – Smoker material
Bennie Quesenberry – Pollen patties
Johnathan Wright – nails
Fred Williams – Uncapping comb
Next meeting: Thursday February 22, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122.
Adjourned: at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Anthony Ellis, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 29 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Mickey Cunningham, and was 2nd by Drew White.
Speaker: Brian Kreowski, Agricultural Inspector Presentation: Apiary Inspection Program Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services file:///H:/2022-2023/MEBA/Brian%20Kreowski%20-%202-23- 2023%20Presentation/Apiary%20Inspection%20Map.pdf
Old Business:
• The trifold needs to be redone. Wytheville Word Print may have the original. We need members to submit pictures of people extracting, going into their hives or food service with honey. Pictures of flowers, shrubs or trees that bees like are needed too. New Business:
• The Bee Class will run February 28-March 28, 2023. April 4 will be a makeup should there be any inclement weather.
• Tim Service is going in March to pick up package bees with queens for about $150.00 if anyone is interested.
• A motion was made by Mickey Cunningham to have $200.00 to procure items for the bee class raffle. Drew White seconded it.
• Mickey Cunningham shared that Crimson Clover (annual) is great for bees, but not the perennial Crimson Clover. He suggested that those of us who want to purchase some do so in bulk together in order to save money. $10.25 per lb. For information: • Dr. Tignor with VSBA did research that shows sunflowers tend to keep the varroa mite population down. Get your seeds early!
• Do not feed pollen or protein supplements in September or October.
• The president of Wytheville Community College approved for MEBA to have open hives on campus Saturday May 13 for the bee class. Volunteers will be needed to help that day. The site on campus is yet to be determined by the executive committee. 3-5 colonies will be needed. A Security Safety Plan will be submitted to Wytheville Community College 72 hours before bees are brought to campus. Mickey Cunningham, Cathy Hounshell, Fred Williams, Joe Turpin and Jeff Sexton have volunteered to help.
• Fred Jones from Pilot, Virginia bought Tim Service’s queen rearing business. He will have queens available. His phone number is (540) 745-2982.
• Tim Service purchased 50 packages of bees. Call him between now and March 2 to buy a package from him. His phone number is (276) 952-5077.
• The Mann Lake Bee Supply will be having their March Madness Sale through the month of March. Joyce with Mann Lake can help you at this phone number (218) 675-6688.
• Tractor Supply has the cheapest prices on sugar right now.
• “Tator” David Miller of Abingdon, Virgina is still buying wood to make woodenware bee supplies. He can be reached at 25155 Walden Road Abingdon, Va 24210. His phone number is (276) 608-6225.
• Mickey Cunningham will be verifying the pricing with Karén Avetisyan, Ph.D. of Bee and Comb, LLC on the new British hood and jacket. The price is around $79.00. Bee and Comb, LLC in Durham, North Carolina is offering free shipping on orders more than $50.00. *Also, when sent to Virginia is tax-free. Let Mickey know if you are interested in purchasing. His number is (276) 579-2123.
• A motion for consideration as “How to Conduct Basic Bee Class” for the next five (5) years “Whereas part of the mission for Mountain Empire Beekeepers Associations (association) is to help new beekeepers to become established, therefore, I move that the tuition cost be set at $47.00 per student and family discount be set at $75.00 and family tuition provides maximum of two textbooks per family. Duration of this motion is not to exceed five (5) years from January 26, 2023. (Second required here) Discussion: Purpose of this motion is to aid class recruitment on a multiyear basis. Also, this motion is not to limit the powers of the executive committee on a biennial basis to adjust tuition based upon the economy and the development of a new textbook. Perception from recruiting this year is that more persons will be retiring to the area covered by the association and that when discussion on the class reaches price for tuition it should remain stable for at least two years. Secondly, this motion will allow our membership to talk to other persons with assurance of facts about our educational program.” This motion has been tabled for 2 months.
Raffle Winners: Five sheets of foundation wax– Darlene Lockard Hive box woodenware deep – Jonathan Wright Mouse guard/anti-robbing screen/pesticide protection screen – Justin Osborne Inner cover – Hank Sturkie
Next meeting: Thursday March 23, 2023 at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122. Adjourned: at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Anthony Ellis, MEBA President at Wytheville Community College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 36 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Drew White, and was 2nd by Hank Sturkie.
Speaker: Randy Oliver
Presentation: Varroa Mite Concepts and Practice
Old Business:
• The trifold needs to be redone. Wytheville Word Print may have the original. We need members to submit pictures of people extracting, going into their hives or food service with honey. Pictures of flowers, shrubs or trees that bees like are needed too.
New Business:
• The Bee Class will run February 28-March 28, 2023. April 4 will be a makeup should there be any inclement weather.
• Tim Service is going in March to pick up package bees with queens for about $150.00 if anyone is interested.
• A motion was made by Mickey Cunningham to have $200.00 to procure items for the bee class raffle. Drew White seconded it.
• Mickey Cunningham shared that Crimson Clover (annual) is great for bees, but not the perennial Crimson Clover. He suggested that those of us who want to purchase some do so in bulk together in order to save money. $10.25 per lb. For information: • Dr. Tignor with VSBA did research that shows sunflowers tend to keep the varroa mite population down. Get your seeds early!
• Do not feed pollen or protein supplements in September or October.
• The president of Wytheville Community College approved for MEBA to have open hives on campus Saturday May 13 for the bee class. Volunteers will be needed to help that day. The site on campus is yet to be determined by the executive committee. 3-5 colonies will be needed. A Security Safety Plan will be submitted to Wytheville Community College 72 hours before bees are brought to campus. Mickey Cunningham, Cathy Hounshell, Fred Williams, Joe Turpin and Jeff Sexton have volunteered to help.
• Fred Jones from Pilot, Virginia bought Tim Service’s queen rearing business. He will have queens available. His phone number is (540) 745-2982.
• The Mann Lake Bee Supply will be having their March Madness Sale through the month of March. Joyce with Mann Lake can help you at this phone number (218) 675-6688.
• Tractor Supply has the cheapest prices on sugar right now.
• “Tator” David Miller of Abingdon, Virgina is still buying wood to make woodenware bee supplies. He can be reached at 25155 Walden Road Abingdon, Va 24210. His phone number is (276) 608-6225.
• Mickey Cunningham will be verifying the pricing with Karén Avetisyan, Ph.D. of Bee and Comb, LLC on the new British hood and jacket. The price is around $79.00. Bee and Comb, LLC in Durham, North Carolina is offering free shipping on orders more than $50.00. *Also, when sent to Virginia is tax-free. Let Mickey know if you are interested in purchasing. His number is (276) 579-2123.
• A motion for consideration as “How to Conduct Basic Bee Class” for the next five (5) years “Whereas part of the mission for Mountain Empire Beekeepers Associations (association) is to help new beekeepers to become established, therefore, I move that the tuition cost be set at $47.00 per student and family discount be set at $75.00 and family tuition provides maximum of two textbooks per family. Duration of this motion is not to exceed five (5) years from January 26, 2023. (Second required here) Discussion: Purpose of this motion is to aid class recruitment on a multiyear basis. Also, this motion is not to limit the powers of the executive committee on a biennial basis to adjust tuition based upon the economy and the development of a new textbook. Perception from recruiting this year is that more persons will be retiring to the area covered by the association and that when discussion on the class reaches price for tuition it should remain stable for at least two years. Secondly, this motion will allow our membership to talk to other persons with assurance of facts about our educational program.” This motion has been tabled for 2 months.
Raffle Winners: Assembled Kit-Hive box with 1 deep, bottom board and lid- Vicky Linkous
Next meeting: Thursday April 27, 2023 at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122. Adjourned: at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretar
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Anthony Ellis, MEBA President at Wytheville Community
College, in Smyth Hall room 122. 31 members were present.
Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes by Patty Younger, and was 2 nd by Cathy Hounshell.
Speaker: James Walters
Presentation: Small Scale Queen Production – zoom meeting
James discussed the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): Healthy bees, low to zero mite counts, multiple drone producing hives, pollen/nectar sources, supplemental feeding (sugar/water, pollen sub.), accurate records-inbreeding. Keep a journal, notepad, computer, or recording, whatever you need for accurate records. Do a mite count. Easy Bee Check is one way to do this. medications/vcheck.asp#:~:text=The%20Easy%20Check%20is%20a,in%20a%20sample%20of%20bees .
Queen rearing grafting – there are several methods. Find the one that works for you. (Cell punch, Nicot Method, Miller Method,Doolittle Method, Instrumental Insemination, JZBZ Introduction, back in 1911 a book was published that recommended spitting on the queen to hide the QNP). A good book he recommended is OTS – “On the Spot” Queen Rearing A Survival Guide for Beekeepers Worldwide by Mel
Also recommended was a Queen app called Bee Queen Calendar on smart phones. Also recommended was the MDA Splitter Nuc Boxes found here:
Old Business:
The trifold needs to be redone. Wytheville Word Print may have the original. We need members to
submit pictures of people extracting, going into their hives or food service with honey. Pictures of
flowers, shrubs or trees that bees like are needed too.
New Business:
Mickey Cunningham shared that Crimson Clover (annual) is great for bees, but not the perennial
Crimson Clover. He suggested that those of us who want to purchase some do so in bulk together in
order to save money. $10.25 per lb. For information:
Dr. Tignor with VSBA did research that shows sunflowers tend to keep the varroa mite population
down. Get your seeds early!
Do not feed pollen or protein supplements in September or October.
The president of Wytheville Community College approved for MEBA to have open hives on campus
Saturday May 13 for the bee class. Volunteers will be needed to help that day. The site on campus is
yet to be determined by the executive committee. 3-5 colonies will be needed. A Security Safety Plan
will be submitted to Wytheville Community College 72 hours before bees are brought to campus.
Mickey Cunningham, Cathy Hounshell, Fred Williams, Joe Turpin and Jeff Sexton have volunteered to
Fred Jones from Pilot, Virginia bought Tim Service’s queen rearing business. He will have queens
available. His phone number is (540) 745-2982.
Tractor Supply has the cheapest prices on sugar right now.
“Tator” David Miller of Abingdon, Virginia is still buying wood to make woodenware bee supplies. He
can be reached at 25155 Walden Road Abingdon, VA 24210. His phone number is (276) 608-6225.
Mickey Cunningham will be verifying the pricing with Karén Avetisyan, Ph.D. of Bee and Comb, LLC on
the new British hood and jacket. The price is around $79.00. Bee and Comb, LLC in Durham, North
Carolina is offering free shipping on orders more than $50.00. *Also, when sent to Virginia is tax-free. Let Mickey know if you are interested in purchasing. His
number is (276) 579-2123.
A motion for consideration as “How to Conduct Basic Bee Class” for the next five (5) years. “Whereas part of the mission for Mountain Empire Beekeepers Associations (association) is to help new beekeepers to become established, therefore, I move that the tuition cost be set at $47.00 per student and family discount be set at $75.00 and family tuition provides maximum of two textbooks per family. Duration of this motion is not to exceed five (5) years from January 26, 2023. (Second required here)
Discussion: Purpose of this motion is to aid class recruitment on a multiyear basis. Also, this motion is not to limit the powers of the executive committee on a biennial basis to adjust tuition based upon the economy and the development of a new textbook. Perception from recruiting this year is that more persons will be retiring to the area covered by the association and that when discussion on
the class reaches price for tuition it should remain stable for at least two years. Secondly, this motion will allow our membership to talk to other persons with assurance of facts about our educational program.” This motion has been tabled for 2 months.
10 lbs. Sugar10 Lbs. SugarRaffle Winners:
Brood box with screen enter cover – Hank Sturkie
Anti-swarming device – Jeff Sexton
Frame holder – Diane Woodford
Smoker – Johnathan Wright
Next meeting: Thursday May 25, 2023 at Wytheville Community College in Smyth Hall room 122.
Adjourned: at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Armentrout, MEBA Secretary
Copyright © 2024 Mountain Empire Beekeeping Association - All Rights Reserved.
Webmaster: Patty Younger
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Our next meeting is February27th, 2025!
Beekeeping Class Registration is OPEN on our Education and Events Tab!